企业网络营销论文:基于复杂网络理论的企业营销网络鲁棒性分析-职称论文发表网|文发网 关键词:复杂网络;企业营销网络;鲁棒性 [gap=971]Key words:complex networks; enterprise marketing network; robustness
Many vendors used their newly acquired capability as a marketing advantage to push their enterprise management systems, or EMSs (notice the de-emphasis of the word "network").
许多供应商将其新取得的能力作为营销优势来推动其企业管理系统或简称 EMS(注意并未强调“网络”这个字眼)。
To further expand the effect brought about by the enterprise network marketing, advertising information website will publish to the users to browse a higher amount of Commerce website.
As one of the most important methods in the current network promotion, search engine promotion is particularly important for the development of enterprise network marketing.