entertainment industry [社科] 娱乐业 ; 演艺界 ; 娱乐产业 ; 娱乐行业
entertainment industry Jianghu 娱乐江湖 ; 娱乐江湖专辑
Entertainment Industry Foundation 娱乐产业基金会 ; 全美娱乐产业基金 ; 作为娱乐产业基金 ; 娱乐产业基金
Entertainment Industry Management 娱乐产业管理 ; 娱乐管理 ; 卡耐基梅隆大学
Contact the Entertainment Industry Liaison 联系娱乐行业联络 ; 联系的娱乐业界联络 ; 娱乐业界联络联络
digital entertainment industry 数字娱乐产业
Sports And Entertainment Industry 体育与娱乐业
The Entertainment Industry 娱乐业
In response, the alarmists accuse critics and news reporters of being deceived by the entertainment industry.
If the entertainment industry really cared about sending the wrong message on body image, it wouldn't need so many slender celebrities in the first place.
The world of arts and entertainment is often referred to as "the entertainment industry" or "show business".