称之为环境工作团体(Environmental Working Group)的组织称,海湾地区飓风,以及大宗农产品价格下跌,使补贴数量已从2004年的125亿美元升至2005年的211亿美元。
美国环境工作组(Environmental Working Group)是美国一家专门从事有毒化学品,农业补贴,公共土地和企业责任领域研究和宣传的环保组织。它是一家非营利性组织,其职责是利.
...。不同性质的电解水可作不同用途,包括饮用、烹调、美容、清洁、消毒等。 饮用自来水比汽水健康,但根据环境工作小组(Environmental Working Group)的发现,在美国的自来水中便含有315种不同的污染物,而当中有超过一半的污染物是不受任何监管并可合法地存在而没有含量限制。
介绍 美国环境工作组(Environmental Working Group)是一个民间非营利性机构。十几年来,它在保护美国人免受有害有毒物质侵害方面立下了赫赫战功:它推动美国国会通过了全美第一部保...
The Environmental Working Group 环境工作组 ; 环境工作小组
INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental 世界审计组织环境审计工作组
以上来源于: WordNet
Visit a wonderful site by the environmental working group.
"It doesn't build a lot of confidence, " said Sonya Lunder a senior analyst at the Environmental Working Group.
Environmental working group also have many case studies for further research regarding baby bottles and the containers in which the formula is packed in.
Says David DeGennaro with the Environmental Working Group.
VOA: standard.2010.04.28
But David DeGennaro with the Environmental Working Group puts it this way: "It's really kind of ridiculous that American taxpayers are going to be subsidizing Brazilian cotton farmers just so that we can keep on subsidizing our own cotton farmers.
VOA: standard.2010.04.28
Working with the Michigan chapter of the environmental group the Sierra Club, she now presents state authorities with data several times a week along a 200-kilometer circuit.
VOA: standard.2010.05.06