EP additive 极压添加剂
ep-antiwear additive 极压抗磨剂
EP-antiwear additive 352 极压抗磨剂
EP-antiwear additive 361 极压抗磨性
EP-antiwear additive 308 极压抗磨剂
EP-antiwear additive 306 极压抗磨剂
EP-antiwear additive 309 极压抗磨剂
EP-antiwear additive 351 极压抗磨剂
It is researched of synthetic removal fluid for stainless steel through selecting the water soluble EP additive, oiliness agent, corrosion inhibitor and bactericide.
The effect of the alkyl carbon structure of Cadmium Dialkyldithiophosphate additive on its EP and antiwear properties is investigated by four-ball tester.
The test results of evaluation and application of sulfosalt EP additive are showed, at the same time its action mechanism is described aslo.