...内细胞团与滋 养层细胞已分层,滋养层细胞向桑椹胚中分 泌液体,产生囊胚腔) 4、原肠胚的形成 细胞迁移的主要方式 外包(epiboly): 表皮层做为一个整体扩展,使胚胎的内层被覆盖。 内陷(invagination): 指胚胎的局部区域的内陷。
Epiboly HR 人力资源外包 ; 源外包
software epiboly 软件外包
Epiboly &Contract Management 外包管理与合约管理
HR Epiboly HR外包
Epiboly andContract Management 外包管理与合约管理
epiboly profiled bar concrete 外包型钢混凝土梁
以上来源于: WordNet
N a process that occurs during gastrulation in vertebrates, in which cells on one side of the blastula grow over and surround the remaining cells and yolk and eventually form the ectoderm 外包法; 原肠胚形成的方式 [embryol]
In order to prevent the risk of software epiboly, it audit is introduced.
But the epiboly of dining serves, the adjoin of guest sends...... still make the New appointee used foreign brains well.
Smooth skin of overall shape of evolution can be summarized by the following six epidermis movement epiboly, convexity, invagination, involution, ingression and delamination.