...探索者之路(Explorer’s Way)等四大路线,因为对这里的美食美酒特别喜爱,所以此次我选择了美酒美食享乐之旅(Epicurean Way)作为我的自驾行路线,想要大快朵颐一番。
With the "Fine Waters" book we are introducing a new way of characterizing bottled water in an epicurean context.
Soapy turned off broadway. it seemed that his route to the coveted island was not to be an epicurean one. some other way of entering limbo must be thought of.
索丕转身离开了百老汇大街。 看来他渴望去的那个岛不能以这种享乐方式达到。 必须想另外一条进监狱的办法。
Pater put forward sensualism , epicurean and momentory in a creative way, comprehended the unique art by contemplation, which made great contributions to aestheticism;