Using one-to-one correspondence to compare equal and unequal sets.
If X is a subset, but it is unknown whether they are equal sets, then the line is lighter and is dotted.
In the present implementation at least, if this sum is less than zero, the net sets the node to -1, and if it is greater than or equal to zero, the net sets the node to + 1.
至少在当前的实现中,如果这个和小于0,网络就将节点设置为- 1,如果它大于或等于0,则网络将节点的值设置为+ 1。
Well, this block here on the left that I came counter counter=0 up with arbitrarily sets a variable called counter equal to 0 and then it forever says that counters value 1 and then it changes the counter by 1.