定义 中文名称:赤道装置 英文名称:equatorial mounting 定义:望远镜的一种机架。其中一根转动轴与地球自转轴平行,为极轴,另一转动轴与之垂直,为纬轴。这种装置在跟踪天体的周日运动时,只需匀速转动极轴。 应用学科:
german equatorial mount 德国式赤道装置
adjustable equatorial mount 可调赤道仪装置
germn equatorial mount 德国式赤道装置
Mount Type Equatorial 赤道仪德国式
According to the theoretical knowledge of astronomy combined with the reality of equatorial mount, the thesis introduce an algorithm of star-searching with high-precision and the development of auto star-searching system based on 8-bit MCU.
参考来源 - 基于嵌入式系统的高精度自动寻星系统设计·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
An equatorial mount is ultimately more helpful, but it takes some getting used to.
A photographic equatorial mount capable of reasonable accurate tracking of the RA-axis.
While the technique has been developed for astrophotographic mount, it can be used on any equatorial mount.
以上方法是为摄星赤道仪开发的, 但任何赤道仪都可使用。