所谓一级资本,是指银行的股本(equity capital)、现金储备(cash reserves),以及保留盈利(retain earnings),而一级资本比率,则是一级资本相对于银行的风险资产之比率,所以此...
...主权资本 主权资本(equity capital) 目录 1 主权资本的概念 2 主权资本的特点 3 主权资本的筹资方式 4 相关条目链接 主权资本的概念 主权资本又称权益资金、权益...
equity capital turnover [会计] 产权资本周转率 ; 投资总额周转率 ; 资本周转率 ; 自有资本周转率
equity capital transaction 产权资本转让 ; 产权本钱让渡 ; 股本转让 ; 产权资本转
cost of equity capital 权益资本成本 ; 金成本 ; 普通股成本 ; 资本成本
minus equity capital 减股本 ; 股本减去 ; 减去股本资本
tangible equity capital 有形股权资本
additional equity capital costs 附加产权资本成本
The most awful defect of traditional accountant profit target lays in neglecting the confirmation and measurement about equity capital cost.
参考来源 - 我国上市公司经济增加值价值相关性的实证研究By building linear programming model and giving a case, this thesis makes research on how to secure the cash chain with equity capital.
本文通过建立线性规划模型, 并给出算例,研究中小房地产企业怎样利用自有资金维持资金链的安全。
参考来源 - 基于线性规划的中小房地产企业现金流运筹管理·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N the part of the share capital of a company owned by ordinary shareholders or in certain circumstances by other classes of shareholder 股本权益
Without raising a big enough slug of equity capital to restore it.
So banks with more equity capital are now valued more highly by the market.
We have private equity, we have venture capital, and we have employees getting incentive options.
In the Basel I there were Tier I capital requirements and they defined Tier I capital as capital in a certain form -it's stockholders equity plus preferred stock.
So 90% of your portfolio is in domestic marketable securities and only 10% is invested in things like real estate or venture capital or private equity -hardly enough to make a difference in terms of the portfolios returns.