...档 发现价值 3.股权结构与公司价值关系的理论分析 3.1相关概念的界定 3.1.1股权结构 股权结构(Equity Ownership Structure),是指股权设置的具体形态,即各种不 同出资者所持有的不同类型股权在股份公司中的比例及其相互关系。
reasonable equity ownership structure 适度股权结构
Moderation of Equity Ownership Structure 股权结构的适度性
ownership structure of equity 股权的所有者结构
And then we carried out the theoretic study and demonstrative analysis of the equity ownership structure and the governance structure.
参考来源 - 我国上市公司股权结构与治理结构研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
To a great extent, the institutional environment rules the evolution paths and the typical traits of equity ownership structure and corporate governance patterns.
The core of modern commercial bank establishment is to consummate corporation governance structure, and equity ownership structure is the key factor of Ownership Structure.
Viewed from the history and logic of corporate governance's emerging, there exists the cause-effect relationship between corporate governance and equity ownership structure.