Ernst&Young 安永 ; 安永会计师事务所 ; 恩斯特
Ernst & Young 安永会计师事务所 ; 安永 ; 安永公司 ; 安永会计事务所
Ernst & Young LLP 安永会计师事务所 ; 安永会计师行
Cap Gemini Ernst & Young 凯捷安永 ; 凯捷永安 ; 安永公司 ; 安永咨询公司
Ernst & Young Hua Ming 安永华明 ; 安永华明会计师事务所
Ernst & Young International 安永国际
Ernst & Young PLL 安永会计师事务所 ; 英国大型咨询机构安永会计师事务所
Ernst & Young ITEM Club 安永统计俱乐部
Ernst & Young Consulting 安永咨询公司 ; 咨询机构
Accounting experts say the Lehman report will not be "an Enron" for Ernst & Young, in part because with only four big accounting firms remaining, clients do not have many options to move elsewhere.
This would be a huge change to the business model of the “big four” audit firms: PwC, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Ernst &Young and KPMG.
Mr Fuld says he did not know about the Repo 105 transactions; Ernst & Young says that Lehman’s reporting was in line with accounting principles.