... 误差判据 error criterion 误差平方和 error sum of squares 误差平方积分 integrated square error ...
...;第i个观察值之差 为 误差平方和(SSE): 最小平方法中所处理的平方和,常被称为误差平方和或残差平方和 (error sum of squares) 总平方和(SST): 与平均数有关的平方和(total sum of squares) 回归平方和(SSR) : 为度量估计回归线上的预测值 与 的差异 i y ...
Estimated error sum of squares 估计误差平方和
error sum of squares criterion 又称离差平方和法
prediction error sum of squares 预报残差和
Sum of Squares Error 误差平方和
We combine unitary nonlinear regression with multivariate linear regression, it can reduce the error sum of squares of the model and improve the precision of forecast.
The rules of BIC and minimum residual sum of squares are used to gain the optimum error model.
Therefore, the absolute magnitude of the error pattern can be represented by the extra sum of squares using the weighting factor.