erythema multiforme [皮肤] 多形性红斑 ; [皮肤] 多形红斑 ; 水疱及大疱型多形红斑
erythema multiforme exudativum 多形渗出性红斑 ; 渗出性多形红斑 ; 多型渗出性红斑
erythema multiforme of pregnancy 妊娠多形红斑
erythema multiforme major 重症多形红斑型 ; 多形性红斑 ; 红斑 ; 及重症多形红斑
Other erythema multiforme 腹腔畸胎瘤 ; 其他的多形性红斑
erythema multiforme serpens 匐行性多形红斑
erythema multiforme eruption 多形性红斑型药疹
Sometimes erythema multiforme makes people very sick and they have to be monitored in the hospital.
There are many causes of erythema multiforme.
Conjunctivitis from erythema multiforme a skin eruption, can also cause Blindness.
多形性红斑有时会伴发严重的结膜炎, 亦可致盲。