The most recent EuropeanSocietyofCardiology(ESC) guidelines for myocardial revascularization, which were published in 2010, recommend that patients treated with a DES remain on DAPT for six to 12 months.
The European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI), the Acute Cardiovascular Care Association (ACCA)1 and the Working Group (WG) on Thrombosis of the EuropeanSocietyofCardiology(ESC) therefore decided it was time to write a consensus document outlining the advantages, disadvantages and expertise requirements of the radial approach.
He was widely published and active in the field, serving as a member of the EuropeanSocietyofCardiology committee for practice guidelines and as the chairperson of the ESC guidelines on pre-operative cardiac risk assessment and perioperative cardiac management in non-cardiac surgery.