能在植物油中溶解制成长效针剂 苯甲酸雌二醇是3-位酯,戊酸雌二醇 (Estradiol Valerate)是17β-位酯化衍 生物 在合成时先生成双酯,由于3-酯相对易水 解,可部份水解只保留17β-酯
... estradiol oenanthate 庚酸雌二醇 Estradiol Valerate 戊酸雌二醇 ; 雌二醇戊酸酯 Estradiol Undecylate 十一酸雌二醇 ; 雌二醇十一酸酯 ...
...隆;补佳乐 [gap=762]ey words】 Puberty; Dysfunctional uterine bleeding; Oral contraceptive; Marvelon; Estradiol valerate ...
中文名称 戊酸雌二醇酯 英文名称 estradiol valerate 分子式 分子量 密度 熔点 145-150 沸点 闪点 蒸汽压 粘度 折射率 毒性LD50(mg/kg) 性状 白色
Estradiol Valerate Tablets 戊酸雌二醇片
Estradiol Valerate Injection 戊酸雌二醇注射液
Compound Estradiol Valerate Tablets 复方戊酸雌二醇片
Estradiol Valerate Tabletes 戊酸雌二醇片
B-estradiol 17-valerate 戊酸雌二醇
Estradiol Valerate&nb 戊酸雌二醇片
estradiol valerate ev 雌二醇戊酸酯
17-epi Estradiol Valerate EPI戊酸雌二醇
4-Methyl Estradiol Valerate 甲基戊酸雌二醇
OBJECTIVE To study the dissolution methodology of compound estradiol valerate tablets.
目的 进行复方戊酸雌二醇片溶出度的方法学研究。
Method: Treatment group and comparing group were treated with Guishen pill and estradiol valerate, progesterone respectively.
Those results indicate that estradiol valerate can control the body weight gain and fat deposition and improve the levels of blood GLU and TG of female Bama Xiang-pigs effectively.