ethylene chloride [有化] 氯化乙烯 ; 二氯乙烷 ; 氯乙烯
vinyl chloride-ethylene resin 氯乙烯 ; 乙烯树胶
VCEV Vinyl chloride-ethylene-vinyl 氯乙烯 ; 醋酸乙烯共聚物 ; 乙烯 ; 醚酯型热塑弹性体
VCE Vinyl chloride-ethylene resin 氯乙烯 ; 乙烯树胶 ; 乙烯树脂 ; 丁二烯
Ethylene-vinyl chloride copolymer 乙烯 ; 氯乙烯共聚物
Vinyl chloride-ethylene copolymers 乙烯共聚物 ; 氯乙烯
ethylene vinyl chloride copolymer 氯乙烯
vinyl chloride-ethylene plastic 乙烯塑料 ; 氯乙烯
Modified chlorinated polyethylene (CPE) resins are the copolymer of ethylene, vinyl chloride and rubber.
Main methanol, ethanol, ethylene glycol, acetone, ethylene dichloride, methylene chloride, diethylene glycol.
Ethylene glycol diacetate was synthesized from ethylene glycol and acetic acid with ferric chloride hydrate as catalyst. The yield of ester was 92% under the optimum condition.