地名的意义既包括其最直接的意义(即指称意义),又有其词源意义(etymological meaning)。因为“地名的命名都是有其原因的,或依据自然地貌特征,或依据某社会人文特点。
Chapter 2, the character families of the pictophonetic characters that the etymological meaning is one sememe of the phonetic sign 's original meaning. There are 11 batteries.
参考来源 - 《说文·人部》形声字字族研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
This was so literally true that the etymological meaning of client is "one who listens to be called" since cluere meant "to listen."
From chapter one to chapter four researched the original meaning and the etymological meaning of the four classifications of the walking words 'meaning system.
The etymological meaning of prince is "takes first place" since the word that came before it was French from Latin, and in Latin had been before that two words primus ceps.
prince词源学上的意义是“占据首位”,它从拉丁语变化而来并进入法语,而在拉丁语里,最早出现过两个词:primus ceps。