Euclidean geometry 欧几里得几何 ; 欧几里德几何 ; 欧几里德几何学 ; 欧氏几何
non-Euclidean geometry 非欧几里得几何 ; 非欧几何 ; 非欧几里得几何学 ; 非欧几何学
Euclidean geometry code 欧氏几何码
pre-Euclidean geometry 分析欧氏之前的几何
hyperbolic non-Euclidean geometry 双曲型非欧几何学
method of Euclidean geometry 欧氏几何法
The elements of non-Euclidean geometry 非欧几何原理
elliptic non-Euclidean geometry 椭圆型非欧几何学 ; 椭圆型非欧几何
method of non-Euclidean geometry 非欧几何法
educational role of Euclidean geometry 欧氏几何的教育意义
The phenomenal world, that is the world that we experience must, for example, satisfy the exhumes of Euclidean geometry.
It seems that the proof of Pythagoras's theorem comes pretty much from just consulting the ideas of Euclidean triangle, the exhume of Euclidean geometry and simply doing inferences from those.
Observer B concludes that there must be some connection between this 'force' and the non-Euclidean geometry she finds.