european single financial market
... 企业债券(Enterprise Bond) 欧洲单一金融市场(European single financial market) 结构重组(structurere organization) ...
european single financial market
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EU's declared goal of a single European market for financial services.
ECONOMIST: Italy's way with bank reform
The EU, he claims, is hurting one of our most important industries - financial services - and, secure "within the warm embrace of the European single market", giving British businesses an excuse not to develop trade with the developing economies.
BBC: Lawson says the unsayable
The Marketplace Europe debate, hosted by Richard Quest and featuring Lufthansa boss Christoph Franz, chief executive of Deutsche Post DHL Frank Appel and Financial Times International Affairs Editor Quentin Peel this weekend thrashed out the topic: Can a European single market be globally competitive?
CNN: Europe's new threat: Slow decay