...词〗人工神经网络;富营养化评价;水库;深圳 [gap=700]Key words〗 Artificial neural networks; Eutrophication evaluation; Reservoir; Shenzhen...
eutrophication evaluation of lake 湖泊富营养化
water quality eutrophication evaluation 水质富营养化评价
evaluation of eutrophication 富营养化评价
Ecological Evaluation of Eutrophication 营养化生态学评价
evaluation of lake eutrophication 为湖泊水质富营养化评价
Grey clustering method is applied to evaluate the eutrophication of wetland water, in order to established a superior evaluation system which is suitable for wetland eutrophication evaluation.
Thus, a simple and effective evaluation method is provided for evaluation of lake eutrophication.
Optimum parameters in formula were carried out using genetic algorithm to derive an universal formula of evaluation of lake eutrophication suited to multi-index.