Even Parity 偶同位 ; [计] 偶数奇偶校验 ; 偶数奇偶性 ; 偶宇称性
even parity check 偶数奇偶性校验 ; 偶数奇数位校验 ; 偶同位核对 ; 校验
even parity state 事件 ; 偶
even parity select 偶同位选择 ; 偶数同位校验选择
Even Parity bit 偶校验位 ; 位元 ; 偶同位元
even-parity check 偶校验 ; 偶数奇偶校验 ; 偶数同位佼验 ; 偶数同位校验
even-parity code 偶校验码
barrier with even parity 偶对称势垒
odd or even parity 奇或偶同位
BIP-8 performs an even-parity check on the previous Synchronous Transport Signal level 1 (STS-1) frame.
BIP - 8执行以前的同步传输信号电平1 (STS - 1)帧的偶数奇偶校验。
Thi is an example of an even-parity format, but other computers use the check bit to produce an oll parity.
This paper describes the investigation of even-parity autoionization states of cerium atoms by three-step three-color resonance ionization spectroscopy (RIS).