furnace top even pressure 炉顶均压
top even pressure 炉顶均压
even pressure ventilation 均压通风
even pressure fire-extinguished 均压灭火
Even round pressure 均匀围压
Pressure Even 压力均匀
But Ron Paul realizes that this kind of education, or even pressure, is not going to work by itself.
I look for clues about the sender in the choice of writing implement, stationery, and even pressure of pen to paper.
Even if I had the talent to play tennis I couldn't stand the pressure.
It takes the right combination of wind,temperature,pressure and humidity to create even a weak tornado.
VOA: special.2010.05.11
This is a point that is often confusing, because you can think, well maybe I could calculate what the internal pressure is even for this very rapid process.
It's going to take place in there. It's going to be a constant pressure, it might be open to the air, or even if it isn't, there might be plenty of room, and it's a liquid anyway, so the pressure isn't going to change significantly.