Even though we only got a basic room, the staff provided a beautiful room with a lovely, private balcony view, and treated us kindly our entire stay.
Even though my hero has only one arm, she can do everything that we can do.
Even though countless human pursuits require water, it is only when we experience a water shortage or pay a water bill that we think much about this indispensable fluid.
"We are finding that this is not only in the backward economy of developing countries, even though most forced labor today is indeed in the informal or the background agricultural sector of Asia, Latin America and then Africa."
VOA: standard.2009.08.21
So even though we see a nodal plane down the center, I just want to really point out that it's only when we have a nodal plane in the internuclear or the bond axis that we're calling that a pi orbital.
So even though there's only two firms here, with price competition, identical products, we end up with an outcome that looks exactly like perfect competition, except for the fact there's only two firms.