...个漫衍式的关系数据库体系,它撑持断裂操作(个人理解为网络断裂以后的操作)并供给终极的 数据一致性 ( eventual data consistency ).在这些体系中,Bayou、Coda与Ficus允许断裂操作,而且在遇到近似与网络断裂与停机时能够做到自己主动回复复兴.
Last month, Amazon's CTO Werner Vogels posted an article describing approaches to tolerate eventual data consistency in large-scale distributed systems.
上个月,亚马逊公司的CTO Werner Vogels发表了一篇文章,描述在大型分布式系统中容忍最终数据一致性的方法。
Weak/eventual consistency happens when not all data replicas participate in the update operation and/or contacted as part of read operation.
Eventual Consistency - data is not immediately propagated across all nodes... the latency is usually around a second, but for high data sets or loads, you may experience more latency.