... Color颜色 :皮肤上的斑点呈现多种颜色,比如同一斑点一边是深棕色而另一边是灰色,而并非同一色调; Diameter直径 :色斑的直径大于铅笔直径。许多黑色素瘤的直径大于6毫米; Evolving演变 :与上个月的检查相比,色斑出现变化,逐渐形成了不同的颜色或形状。 ...
evolving process 演进过程
Evolving In Silence 沉默进化
Rapidly Evolving 快速演进
Evolving Wilds 成形野地 ; 成型野地
Evolving Model 演化模型
Mankind Evolving 进化中的人类
evolving purposes 生成性目标
Game Theory Evolving 演化博弈论
Evolving Reincarnation 进化转世法
V-I When animals or plants evolve, they gradually change and develop into different forms. 进化
The bright plumage of many male birds was thought to have evolved to attract females.
Birds are widely believed to have evolved from dinosaurs.
V-T/V-I If something evolves or you evolve it, it gradually develops over a period of time into something different and usually more advanced. 使…逐步发展; 逐步发展
...a tiny airline which eventually evolved into Pakistan International Airlines.
Popular music evolved from folk songs.
Omiai is evolving into a sort of stylized introduction.
Omiai 已经演变成了一种程式化的介绍。
Everything except the part about snakes evolving from lizards.
That rapid replication rate also increased the chances of strains evolving in ways that allowed them to evade hog immune systems.