事前道德风险(ex-ante moral hazard) 投保人得到保险之后丧失了阻止损失的动力。 事后道德风险(ex-post moral hazard) 在损失发生后,被保险人丧失减少损失、减...
In the supply chain, the problems in agency mainly involve the adverse selection caused by ex ante information asymmetry and moral hazard caused by ex post information asymmetry.
On the other hand, the presence of an imperfectly informed LOLR is conductive to the moral hazard problem, So it is ex ante inefficiency.
另一方面,拥有不完全信息的LOLR 容易引发道德风险问题,从而是事前无效率的。
On the other hand, they have to be designed in a way that they reduce ex ante moral hazard risk that otherwise can result in the same fragility that the financial safety net is supposed to minimise.