... differential discriminator 差分甄别器 exact differential 正合微分,恰当微分,... differential pressure 压差 ...
(2) 17 状态函数的数学特征: Exact differential(全微分):状态函数X的无限 小变化是全微分dX,系统从初态到终态,状态函 数的变化ΔX为 2 1 1 2 X X X X dX X 状态函数的...
exact differential equation 全微分方程 ; [数] 恰当微分方程 ; 正合微分方程 ; 正合微分方程式
exact differential form [数] 恰当微分形式 ; 恰当微分式
exact differential equations 正合微分方程式
exact differential transformation 全微分变换
semi-exact differential [数] 半正合微分
exakte differentialform exact differential form 精确微分形式
non-exact differential equation 非恰当方程
exact differential equation detail 恰当微分方程
Closed and exact differential forms 闭形式和恰当形式
以上来源于: WordNet
Thestaircase-like increasing off(s) obeys an exact differential gap equation, which can be solved analytically.
The shape of the elastic curve of the buckled bar is the solution of the exact differential equation of the curvature.
The analytical solutions for these reactor models are shown to agree very well with the numerical solutions to the exact differential equation…
So the delta v here is an exact differential, but this dw is not.