... 轮廓的勾画 contouring 轮廓的示例 example for the outline 基于活动轮廓的跟踪 Active Contour Based Tracking ...
良好生活~ example for the outline » 例如大纲 it must come true some time soon somehow » 它必须成真一些时间很快以某种方式 ..
Senior Relationship Manager WNW WUN » 高级客户经理 WNW 浣 example for the outline » 例如,《纲要》 usually how many persons are there for every conner? » 通常每康纳有多少人?
Figure 15 shows the SQL outline view of the example credit card application on DB2, for which predicted cost information is also listed.
图15显示了DB 2上的示例信用卡应用程序的SQL大纲视图,还列示了预计的成本信息。
[For example], skip the size of the online advertising market, and outline the size of the network-management, cloud-based slice based on the number of people adopting XYZ.
To show you how SSAX works, I have enhanced an outline example that is available on the CVS directory for the SSAX library (see Resources).