(二)切除修复(excision repair)是修复DNA损伤最为普遍的方式,对多种DNA损伤包括碱基脱落形成的无碱基位点、嘧啶二聚体、碱基烷基化、单链断裂等都能起修复作...
nucleotide excision repair 核苷酸切除修复 ; 核苷酸剪切修复 ; 修复 ; 修复途径
Base excision repair 碱基切除修复 ; 基切除修复 ; 碱基切除修复系统 ; 碱基切除修复途径
excision repair cross complementing 切除修复交叉互补基因 ; 互补基因 ; 切除修断交织互补基因 ; 切除修复酶
base excision repair BER 碱基切除修复
excision repair cross complementing 1 互补基因 ; 切除修复交叉互补基因 ; 切除修复酶 ; 交织互补基因
nuclear excision repair genes 核切除修复基因
excision repair enzymes 切除修复酶的 ; 切除修复酶
Nucleotide excision repair NER 核苷酸切除修复
以上来源于: WordNet
A kind of excision repair usually used to fix nucleotides that have undergone large or unusual modifications.
The DNA oxidative damage is believed that it is repaired mainly by the base excision repair (BER) mechanism with many repairing enzymes.
Plant could repair DNA damage induced by UV-B through many methods, mainly included light-repair, base excision repair, nucleotide excision repair and recombination repair etc.