甚么是标的股价(Underlying Share Price)、行使价(Exercise Price)、溢价(Premium)和杠杆值(Gearing),它们之间有甚么关系?
该期权是一种选择权,有这种选择权的人可以不经同意取消对方的赋权,而该期权的“行权价格”(exercise price)就是客观决定的补偿价格。 本文只是从“法与经济”的耶鲁学派的分析框架出发,对山西煤矿兼并重组的非常初步的看法。
middle exercise price 中间行使价
exercise price interval 行使价间距
Aggregate Exercise Price 总执行价格
option exercise price 选择权行使价格
Low Exercise Price Option 低执行价期权 ; 使价选择权 ; 低行使价选择权
striking or exercise price 敲定价格或执行价格
Adjusted Exercise Price 调整履约价 ; 更正
set exercise price 以既定行权价
N the price at which the holder of a traded option may exercise his right to buy (or sell) a security 执行价格; 期货期权持有者有权按此价买入或卖出一定数量的期货 [stock exchange]
You pay the exercise price and receive a share which is worth more.
The second is that it's difficult to confirm reasonable exercise price of stock options in non-listed companies.
The exercise price of any option granted to you will be the closing price of a common stock on the date of grant.