当研究者或观察者向被试暗示他所预期发现的行为,并因此引导出期望的反应时,非有意的 期望效应(expectancy effects) 便发生了。 安慰剂效应(placebo effect) 指的是由于个体对于治疗会产生良好效果的信念所导致的健康的增强。
subject-expectancy effect 受试者期望效应 ; 期望效应 ; 受者期望效
Observer-expectancy effect 观察者期望效应 ; 察者期望效
interpersonal expectancy effect 人际期待效应
self-expectancy effect 自我期盼效应 ; 唐无双期盼效应
experimenter expectancy effect 实验者预期效应
Experimenter-expectancy effect 观察者期望效应
The expectancy effect has characteristics of suggestibility, level, centripetal and emotion.
But they did conclude that 75 is the age at which the risks clearly begin to outweigh the benefits, and the disease, if detected, would most likely not have a meaningful effect on life expectancy.
The combined effect appears to have been "stagnation or, at best, mild improvement in life expectancy," Mr. Easterlin has written.