inflation expectation 通胀预期 ; 通货膨胀预期
thesis expectation of inflation 预测引起通货膨胀的论点
expectation theory of inflation 预期通货膨胀理论
inflation expectation formation mechanism 通胀预期形成方式
Further Strengthening Inflation Expectation 逐步强化通胀预期
self-realization of inflation expectation 通货膨胀预期的自我实现
Instead, inflation expectation is probably driving current rent increases.
The Bank of England on Wednesday downgraded its forecast and also kindled expectation it may take more extraordinary action to boost the U.K. economy, despite stubborn inflation.
英国央行(Bank of England)周三下调预期,也让人预计它可能不顾通胀水平居高不下而采取更多非常规措施来提振英国经济。
Hence, monetary growth is becoming inflation through expectation.