文章详细信息 关键词: 油气田;;桥涵加固;;钻杆排;;勘探开发 [gap=375]Keywords: oil and gas field,bridge reinforcement,drill pipe,exploration and development
oil exploration and development 石油勘探开发
Progressive exploration and development 滚动勘探开发
exploration and development technology 勘探开发技术
joint exploration and development 联合勘探与开发 ; 合作勘探开发
Natural Gas Exploration and Development 天然气勘探与开发 ; 对吐哈油田温西三区块三间房组油藏井网加密调整的认识 ; 铁山 ; 四川盆地震旦系油气成藏特征与规律
oil exploration and development insurance 石油保险
In this paper, the study of natural resources is the model of real options in petroleum exploration and development.
参考来源 - 石油勘探开发中的实物期权定价模型研究Now it has been used by Exploration and Development Research Institute of Daqing oilfield limited company.
参考来源 - 基于CSCW的油田开发方案设计平台的研究与实现·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The ISBA has adopted two regulations on the exploration and development of manganese nodules.
You'll be able to discover each product's rich feature set at your own pace as you continue exploration and development.
The polar regions of the Moon will likely play a strategic role in the first phases of lunar exploration and development.