exponential function [数] 指数函数 ; 幂函数 ; 指數函數
natural exponential function [数] 自然指数函数
of exponential function 指数函数之导数
table of exponential function 指数函数表
base of exponential function [数] 指数函数的底
exponential function approximation 指数函数近似
complex exponential function 复数型次方函数
decaying exponential function [数] 指数衰减函数 ; [物] 衰减指数函数
Double Exponential Function 双指数函数
negative exponential function 负指数函数 ; 提出的负指数函数
The steady-state creep strain rate is a power function of deviatoric stress and exponential function of temperature and energy.
Just see how well an exponential function fits the data.
The exponential function serves as a good example of how careful you have to be when dealing with limited-precision floating-point Numbers instead of infinitely precise real numbers. ex (Math.exp ).