Export Duty [税收] 出口税 ; 出口关税 ; 入口税
protective export duty [税收] 保护性出口税
optimal export duty [税收] 最适当的出口税
export duty-free 出口免税
revenue export duty [税收] 收入之输出税 ; 收入的输出税
import and export duty [税收] 进出口关税
absolutely export duty rebate 彻底退税
an export duty 出口税
export duty refunds 出口退税
China has rescinded export tax on 35 types of dairy products and import duty for steel plate, and cut tariff on wheat and cement.
The poorest 49 countries in the world can export “everything but arms” free of duty.
Its cost will be borne by Russian taxpayers rather than by Gazprom, as the discount in gas prices to Ukraine will be provided by a cut in export duty paid by Gazprom to the Russian state.