crack extension energy rate 裂纹扩展能量释放率
extension energy 扩展功
crack extension energy 裂纹扩展功
Energy of extension 拉伸能量
crack extension driving energy 裂纹扩展驱动能
new energy extension 新能源推广
Energy Line Extension Act 能源线扩展法
On January 10, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, which operates the Tevatron, announced that the U.S.Department of Energy (DoE) had denied a proposed three-year extension of the collider.
On January 10, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, which operates the Tevatron, announced that the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) had denied a proposed three-year extension of the collider.
On January 10, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, which operates the Tevatron, announced that the U. S. Department of Energy (DoE) had denied a proposed three-year extension of the collider.