...extraem... extradition(根据条约或法令对逃... extrados拱背(拱的外缘线)... extradural硬(脑)膜外的...
extrados springing 拱背起拱线点
extrados springing line 拱外弧起拱线
extrados of arch 拱外圈
extrados radius 拱外弧半径
radius of extrados 外拱圈半径
Arch building on extrados 拱式拱上建筑
extrados cable-stayed bridge 矮塔斜拉桥
girder arch building on extrados 梁拱式拱上建筑
N the outer curve or surface of an arch or vault 拱背 [architect] → compare intrados
An arch with mutually supporting voussoirs that has a straight horizontal extrados and intrados.
The results of FEA method for cold-bending elbow predicted that the point of maximum stress is transferred from intrados to extrados with the increase of the wall thinning.