SIDE FRAME用的是组合型材(T),大家也都知道side frame上下两端都有整体式的肘板,在肘板趾端(软趾),它的面板(face plate)是怎么处理的?
face plate turning 面板车削法
Face plate coupling 法兰式连接
gray face plate 灰色荧光屏
face-plate rheostat 平板式变阻器
indicator face plate 指示器面板
coordinated oscillating face plate 并列摆动分线板
girder face plate 桁材面板
N a perforated circular metal plate that can be attached to the headstock of a lathe in order to hold flat or irregularly shaped workpieces 面板
These factories are OK more economic ground produces large face plate.
When Grievous was first reborn, he was given a very generic droid face plate, and wore no cape.
Gingery miller set up with a 10 inch face plate for facing large work and the universal compound tool and base.