Clinique倩碧男士磨砂膏(Face Scrub), 75 ml 洁净肌肤的磨砂产品,对清除肌肤的角质层和死去的细胞很有效,有助疏通毛孔,即时 令肌肤恢神采.
Invigorating Face Scrub 活力磨砂洁面露
Face Scrub Mud 橄榄磨砂泥
Exfoliant Face Scrub 面部磨砂膏
Strawberry Face Scrub 红莓柔滑磨砂
Oatmeal Face Scrub 燕麦柔软去角质霜 ; 去角质霜
Kiwi Face Scrub 奇异果抗氧磨砂
Moisturise Face Scrub 有机桃保湿面部磨砂
Rose clarifying face scrub 玫瑰清透细滑磨砂膏
Olive Face Scrub Mud 橄榄磨砂泥
You can place a hot wash cloth over your face for 5 minutes and then follow up with a gentle face scrub.
After all, what does a hungry fish care if the microplastic clogging its gut has come from a face scrub or a washing powder?
I am gonna scrub that smug look right off your face.