... 法兰密封面,吉林q345b无缝钢管。法兰面 flange facing 法兰面加工 facing finish 翻边端 lrequested pipe end ...
Flange facing finish shall be serrated finish in accordance with applied standard in case of soft gasket.
What this following hides is Biang abdicates facing time inextricability serious social question confusedness, attempted to finish this question with idealized processing.
这后面隐藏的是比昂逊面对无法解决的沉重的社会问题时的 迷茫,企图用理想化的处理来结束这个问题。
If you are facing a test on the digestive system, he says, practice explaining how it works from start to finish, rather than studying a list of its parts.