美国最新一期《经济学人》题为《面对中国》(Facing up to China) 的封面文章美中冲突也指出,若美中关系真的酿成大祸,奥巴马要负上最大责任。“敲打中国”,究竟能走多远,能折腾多久?
Yes, if anything sums up the hurdles Groupon is facing in China, it's that the language of the country it's trying to take by storm already has a single, specific word to describe its business model.
The [gm99nd] reseller said the companies are 'facing operating pressure' due to the uncertainty of [gm99nd] 's status in China, but not all of the resellers had a part in drawing up the letter.
上述未具名[gm 66nd]代理商说,由于[gm 66nd]在华状况不确定,这些企业面临着运营的压力,不过并非所有的代理商都参与了信函的起草。
Dambisa Moyo: author of "How the West Was Lost: Facing Up to America's Economic Decline and the Threat of China and the Rising Rest" (to be published by Penguin in 2010).