...事件所引发的 身体疾患解释的整合观点 教材 p.378 图 8-2 区分诊断 诈病 (malingering) 人为疾患 (factitious disorder): 刻意地 假冒疾病的某些症状, 目 的只为得 到医疗照顾, 会更改医疗记录, 要 求多重处置 ( e.g.
... 未特定身体症状类疾患 (Somatoform disorder NOS) 自为病 (Factitious Disorders) 自为病 (Factitious disorder) ...
Factitious disorder NOS 未特定自为病
factitious disorder by proxy 代理做作性障碍 ; 代理人为疾患
factitious disorder with psychological symptoms 人为的障碍伴心理症状
factitious disorder with physical symptoms 释义人为的障碍伴躯体症状
Intentional production or feigning of symptoms or disabilities, either physical or psychological [factitious disorder] 有意制造或伪装的躯体或心理性的症状或残疾