fair competition in the market
fair competition in the market
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To regulate electricity market operations, ensure orderly and fair competition in the market;
Sun Liping, a sociology professor in Tsinghua University says that public supervision and fierce market competition in the bigger cities ensure a more transparent and fair social system.
We welcome the business communities from the United States to play an active role in fair competition on the Chinese market.
"We consider this ruling to be a significant step in creating fair competition across the internal market, reducing artificially inflated prices which vary across member states, " said the firm's Martin Ochs.
BBC: Premier League games can be shown on foreign decoders
First, is there not a contradiction in his passion for the single market, which is basically about free and fair competition, and his wish to exempt the UK from EU labour regulations, which are a key part of every country's competitiveness?
BBC: EU viewpoints on Cameron's Europe speech