Human Fall Flat 人类一败涂地 ; 人类堕落 ; 失败的人类
Jokes fall flat 不好笑的笑话
fall flat on your face 你的脸倒下 ; 属于你的脸单位
Fall Flat On One's Back 仰面朝天 ; 摔个仰八叉
fall flat on the ground 扑跌在地上
Fall flat on his face 他失败了 ; 他失败了他搞砸了
To fall flat 没达到预期效果
fall flat on sb 对某人不起作用
fall flat on the floor 直挺挺地倒在地板上
Judging by the polls, such efforts are likely to fall flat.
Sharp rises increase the chances that some Banks fall flat over their interest rate risk.
News Reporter: is there a risk that your speech might fall flat if you end up the hero of a quest or journey story?