撒旦:是反叛天主耶和华的堕天使(fallen angels),曾是天主座前的六翼天使,负责在人间放置诱惑,后来他出错成为魔鬼,被看作与光明力量相对于的邪恶、黑暗之源
The Fallen Angels 车库摇滚
Fallen Angels vs Saints 圣魔天使对决圣斗士
Fallen Angels Union 堕落天使联盟
So Fallen Angels 所以堕落天使
fallen angels at my feet 堕落的天使坠落我脚下
like fallen angels 像残翅的天使
Fallen Angels Realm 堕落天使境界
以上来源于: WordNet
We can only imagine the fallen angels with a kind of dim and uncertain light just as the belated peasant sees.
The fallen angels are entering the magnificent structure of pandemonium, and at one instant all of the angels shrink in order to fit into the building.
They are not fallen angels, but risen reptiles.
The fallen angels may be -- okay, they may be violating mother earth, not so great, but look what this violation produces.
Milton's been noting that some of the pagan deities that the fallen angels eventually became were male and some were female.
It's an underworld filled with gold that a brigade of fallen angels begins to extract with spades and pick axes.