false alarm 误报警 ; 假警报 ; [安全] 误报 ; 虚报
not false alarm 真报警 ; 符合警戒本意的报警
false alarm rate 火灾误报率 ; 误警率 ; 虚警率 ; 虚率
false alarm probability 假报警几率 ; [雷达] 假警报概率 ; 假警报机率
False alarm of fire [安全] 假火警 ; 误报的火警
A False Alarm 一场虚惊 ; 虚惊一场 ; 假警报
malicious false alarm 谎报的火警
constant false alarm rate 恒虚警率 ; 固定伪预警率 ; 恒定虚警率 ; 基于恒虚警率
The fire service was called out but it was a false alarm.
A Psych Ward orderly walks out and tells the inmates that it was a false alarm and guides them in back inside.
The last deflation scare, after the Internet bubble burst in 2000, turned out to be a false alarm.