(三波段 组合) 假彩色 ( false color ):选择遥感影像的某三个波段,分别赋 予红、绿、蓝三种原色,由于原色的选择与原来遥感波段所代表 的真实颜色不同,因此生成的合成色...
false color photography 假彩色摄影
false color image 假彩色图像 ; 假彩色合成影像 ; 伪彩色合成
false color film 彩色红外片 ; 假彩色胶片
false color photograph 假彩色像片
false color representation 假彩色显示
false-color mosaic 这张伪色合成图
false-color enhanced image 假彩色增强图象
Thirdly, a new false color image fusion algorithm based on HSI color space for different sensor is presented.
参考来源 - 多传感器图像融合算法研究In this paper the sliding window method was used to get the texture feature in RS image and the characteristic matrix was displayed by false color. Comparison was made with the false color image.
参考来源 - 基于滑动窗口法的遥感图像纹理统计信息提取研究In the technique of fusion on night vision images, reformative algorithms of false color fusion on LLL and IR images and a series of derivative algorithms are put forward.
参考来源 - 微光和红外图像假彩色融合与处理算法研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
"This gives a false color," Hill wrote in an E-mail.
This false color image shows the details of the haze that covers Titan.
False color images from Cassini's previous closest encounter, in 2005, also showed such variations.