家族性疾病(familial disease)指疾病的发生具有家族聚集性。遗传病常表现为家族性,但家族性疾病并不都是遗传病如生活在相同环境条件下的营养缺乏和中毒病。
a familial disease 家族性疾病
familial Alzheimer disease 家族性阿尔茨海默病 ; 海默病 ; 遗传性老年性痴呆 ; 家族遗传性老年性痴呆
familial kidney disease 家族性肾脏疾病
familial glomerular disease 球疾病
familial myeloproliferative disease 家族性骨髓增性疾病
familial motor neuron disease 家族性运动神经元疾病
Familial genetic disease 遗传性疾病
familial hashimoto disease 家族性桥本病
There are no records of a human having been intentionally kept awake long enough to kill them, but a hereditary disease called fatal familial insomnia suggests there is an ultimate limit.
However, he said, understanding the molecular nature of this single genetic defect, which is at the root of a familial form of such a complex disease, offers invaluable clues.
Mutations in the DLST gene may be responsible for the familial Alzheimer disease (1).