Family Type 家庭类型 ; 家庭型态 ; 族类型
family type niche 家庭型灵灰龛
Family Type Management Mode 家族制管理
Family Type Production 家庭式生产
type family [生物] 模式科 ; [印刷] 字类 ; 字体族
family type operation 家族式经营
Family Type Almshouse 家庭式养老院
family type management 家族式经营管理
Both the quality of the food and prices are usually between those of the gourmet and family-type restaurants.
Both the quality of the food and the prices are usually between those of the gourmet and family-type restaurants.
Sale of family-type automatic machine can be brewed into tea earnings, the sale of various ingredients are able to get more long-term, more stable profits.