Bernard Farcy 伯纳尔·法西 ; 伯纳尔法西 ; 主演伯纳尔·法西 ; 贝尔纳·法尔希
cattle farcy 牛慢性鼻疽
bovine farcy [内科] 牛皮疽
button farcy 结节状马皮疽
Japanese farcy 日本马皮疽
Neapolitan farcy 日本马皮疽 ; 那不勒斯马皮疽
farcy yarn 花式纱线
african farcy 非洲马皮疽
farcy pipes 淋巴管马皮疽
N a form of glanders in which lymph vessels near the skin become thickened, with skin lesions and abscess-forming nodules, caused by a bacterium, Burkholderia mallei 马皮疽 [vet science]